Water is a precious resource. Saving it now means more for generations to come. Conservation can also help you save on your water bill. Browse this section to learn how you can conserve.
Our Commitment
San Jose Water has maintained a long tradition of promoting conservation. To help educate our customers about water conservation we offer complimentary water check-ups, educational materials, and free low-flow devices.
We also take the responsibility to conserve on our end seriously through aggressive leak detection programs that help us minimize water lost to leaks in our water mains as it travels between our tanks, wells, reservoirs and our customer's homes and businesses.
Valley Water Ordinance for Permanent Water Use Restrictions
Making water conservation a way of life is critical to the long-term economic and environmental sustainability of Santa Clara County, which is prone to multi-year droughts and resulting water shortages. In June of 2023, Valley Water’s Board unanimously adopted a resolution which declares that continued water conservation should be a way of life in our area. Water should be treated as a limited resource and not misused, even during non-drought periods. Our goal is to ensure continued water conservation and sustainable water supplies.

Conservation Tips
There are so many ways to conserve water indoors and outdoors. Not sure where to start? Download these how-to guides (available in multiple languages) to learn how to keep any type of home water-efficient.

Looking to install a water-wise garden? Our GardenSoft website is your one-stop resource for drought-resistant plant guides, irrigation methods, recommended equipment, and much more.

Recommended Irrigation Schedule
Want a free no-contact, outdoor visit by a SJW water efficiency expert? San Jose Water developed the CATCH program to empower our customers to understand and optimize their water use.
Water Loss Prevention Strategy
See how San Jose Water works to prevent leaks and water loss on tanks, wells, and the miles of pipes that water travels through before it gets to you.
Visit our Demonstration Garden
Stroll through our beautiful, drought-tolerant garden in San Jose and get inspired about what you can create at your property.
Conservation in the Community
Learn what San Jose Water is doing to help the community conserve water.
Video Guides
Leak Detection Tips
Irrigation Tips

Rebates and CATCH Statistics
See how many customers are taking advantage of rebates and CATCH water checks to save water and money.

Kids' Corner
Are you a parent, an educator, or a young aspiring Water Warrior? Check out our children’s Activity Books and learn all about water through these fun, age-appropriate activities!